Automotive Technician Seeking work in the UK

I am currently available for work
" My passion is Auto Electrical
With over a decade of experience, I have honed my skills and expertise in diagnosing, repairing and maintaining a wide range of vehicles. My core strengths lies in diagnostics and fault finding which I pride myself on my ability to identify and rectify complex issues efficiently and my meticulous attention and detail and commitment to delivering excellent service.

Serial No: 126889

Skills keywords: auto engineer, automobile mechanic, automotive, automotive technician, diagnostics
List Of Qualifications:

Grade A Automotive Electrician of the Motor Industry Employees' Union of South Africa No. A113145
National Technical Certificate (N2), Electrical Engineering
Incomplete National Technical Certificate (N3), Electrical Engineering
Mod 1 Electronics
Mod 11 Electronics
Battery Maintenance Trouble Shooting and Care
Automotive Air Conditioning
Body Electrical Modules 1, 2 & 3
Charging and Starting Modules 1 & 2
Automotive Air Conditioning
Automotive Air Conditioning (Golden)
P1147 Alarm System

Interests & Hobbies:

Socialising with family and friends
Repairing anything electrical
Watching Motor Programmes to gain more experience

Previous Employment Details:

Self Employed 2012 to date Automotive Technician/Mechanic
Imperial Ford and Mazda 2007 - 2012 Automotive Electrician
Battery Centre 2006 - 2007
Cartoria Motor Industries (Pty) Ltd 1990 - 2005 Automotive Electrician

Current location: Northern Cape, South Africa
Nationality: South African
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Engineering
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere