Carer seeking work in UK, Scotland, Australia

I am currently available for work
" I am a passionate and compassionate individual.i have good communication skills,organisational skills and calm at handling emergency situations.

I am a certified professional for giving FIRST AID and CPR in case of any emergency situations.

My organisational skills allows me to deal with day to day jobs of the patient
including meal preparation, following medication schedule and administration of the medication as per required, cleanliness and emotional support.

I am willing to work with any family regardless of their social or economic background because I believe that health and care is a right for everyone

Serial No: 122488

Skills keywords: communication, driving, listening skills, multitasking, team worker
List Of Qualifications:

Diploma in caregiving
Certificate in dementia caregiving
Certificate in first aid basic and advanced
Certificate in pathway to care 15 modules

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading, travelling meeting new people, learning about different cultures, sports athletics, pet lover dogs to be specific, outgoing

Previous Employment Details:

Beit cure children's hospital
Carer assistant 04/2021-2023
Tandi home of braids
Hairstylist 02/2017-2023

Current location: Lusaka Province, Zambia
Nationality: Zambian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, other, Travel and Tourism
Spoken languages: Bemba, english, nyanza, shone
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere