Electrical and Automation Engineer seeking work in UK

I am currently available for work
" I am currently working in Planning Bodyshop department as Electrical and Automation lead. Working new projects new SUV and Nozchback cars production Systems.
Serial No: 120256

Skills keywords: electrical maintenance, industrial electrical, kuka robot programming, plc programming
List Of Qualifications:

BE in Electronics and telecommunications.
Certified PLC programmer
Electrical and Automation expert.
Manufacturing Engg
Production planning and Systems

Interests & Hobbies:

Surfing through new technology
Playing Cricket

Previous Employment Details:

Skoda Volkswagen India pvt Ltd
Bosch ltd

Current location: Maharashtra, India
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Manufacturing and Operations, Engineering, education and training
Spoken languages: English German basic
Location I am interested in working: Czech Republic, Europe, Germany, United Kingdom