Frontend Web Developer

I am currently available for work
" I am a self taught developer who has a keen eye for pixel perfect design, who also has experience with technical and on-page SEO and PPC campaigns. My graphic design ability and UX understanding have allowed me to take snapshot readings of a websites optimisation in terms of its conversion rate, which I can further reinforce with my technical auditing skills, through SEO and website performance and UX understanding. "
Serial No: 121716

Skills keywords: frontend developer, web developer, wordpress developer
List Of Qualifications:

Frontend development

Interests & Hobbies:

Fitness, space, science, music and extreme sports.

Previous Employment Details:

My previous 3 companies have all been web development positions focusing on landing page optimisation, along with on-page SEO and well loading times. This encompasses quite a wide variety of skills, however I have also begun my journey from a frontend developer to a fullstack, as this is the best way forward in terms of my career. I have used a variety of different CMS's, such as Craft CMS, WordPress and Drupal, as well as Bootstrap and tailwind frameworks. My experience working with git has accelerated my skillset and I would be looking for a development position to further develop these skills.

Current location: Western Cape, South Africa
Nationality: British
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, media and design, Marketing
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: United Kingdom
List the countires you have a visa to work in: South Africa, United Kingdom