Sales Officer seeking work in Europe


My current working hours is 11 Hours per day, 77 hours per week and 1 off in between 2 weeks, in these working conditions I manage to give full outcome to the profit of current company, If i get an better an opportunity with Life and work Balance condition i would be the best among employer of company.

Serial No: 124232
Skills keywords: sales officer, banking sector, sales and marketing, private banking operations, banking, banking and telecom
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor's Degree
Inventory clerk
Computer Management

Previous Employment Details:

1 Year Experience as an Office Executive in Self Finance Bank
Currently working as an Sales Officer In Bajaj Finance

Interests & Hobbies:

Making Contents for My youtube channel
Playing cricket

Current location:  Indian
Nationality: Indian
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil