International Recruitment in Manchester

Corporate activity in the Manchester region has improved significantly following the well documented financial crisis. Because of this demand for skilled and unskilled labour is high.

International recruitment Manchester

Skills Provision provide international recruitment support to Manchester based businesses. Whatever the requirement, be that single workers or large teams/groups, we are on-hand to assist.

When empowering the services of an external agency the needs are obvious:

  • Hassle free recruitment
  • Quality workers sourced
  • Deadlines met
  • Cost effective service

Recruitment agencies that deliver on all 4 points will always be valuable.

Unlike most agencies Skills Provision cast their nets far and wide, this is beneficial when suitable manpower cannot be sourced from local or national markets. In our eyes the perfect candidate should be judged on merit, not locality or nationality.

Our track record in delivering recruitment solutions is unparalleled, saying that we do require 2 things before embarking on a new project, these are:

  1. The submission of a detailed job description
  2. A fair and reasonable offer for the new workers

Please note, Skills Provision is an ethical organisation, we will not take on any project offering below the minimum wage.

If your Manchester based business requires international recruitment support please make contact at the earliest opportunity, you can do this by emailing or utilise one of our website forms.